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Extracting sweep and solution properties with matlab livelink

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I have created a parametric sweep in Comsol, sweeping e.g. frequency or a geometry parameter or many of those and for each setting solving the emw 2D mode.
Now I am postprocessing with Matlab livelink in matlab.
I know how to extract the solution lambda e.g. with mphgetp(name, 'solname', 'sol1') and how to calculate the effective refractive index neff etc.

But my problem is:
I have written a matlab program.
This should extract the settings, sweeped parameter's names and the value ranges from matlab out of the .mph file which I have loaded into a variable in matlab with mphload(filename.mph)

In the manual for livelink on page 41 I can find how to create a parametric sweep with
But there is no explanation how to get a list of values and name of those sweeped values out of the model again with Matlab?
Also: Is there no way to get the names and number of solutions sol1 to soln from matlab? I unfortunately also cannot find anything about that in the manual...
Does this really mean I always have to look up all this stuff manually in an extra GUI version of comsol, which I do not want to open, and then type in value by value into matlab?
I thought there might be some kind of a "get" command for all these settings. But Matlab always tells me, such a command does not exist, e.g. for model.param.set(...) when trying model.param.get(...)

I do not believe that and I think it is my fault, that I just do not know how to do it.
Maybe someone of you has an advice?

Best regards


PS: I do not want / I cannot run all my simulations again from Matlab. I just want to evaluate simulations which have taken a lot of time to calculate. Also in the future, I want to run my simulations from Comsol and not from Matlab.

1 Reply Last Post 09.01.2013, 02:37 GMT-5
COMSOL Moderator

Hello Arian Kirsch

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Posted: 1 decade ago 09.01.2013, 02:37 GMT-5
I have done similar things. I need to get in touch with you so I tell you how I was doing them.
I am currently having a new sweeping problem and I do not know how to fix it. Maybe, we can help each other.
Hi: I have done similar things. I need to get in touch with you so I tell you how I was doing them. I am currently having a new sweeping problem and I do not know how to fix it. Maybe, we can help each other.

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