Design, Simulation and Study of MEMS Based Micro-Needles and Micro-Pump for Biomedical Applications

P. K. Podder, D. Mallick, D. P. Samajdar, and A. Bhattacharyya
Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics
University of Calcutta
West Bengal, India
Veröffentlicht in 2011

In this paper, we have addressed the issues related to the design and simulation of MEMS based silicon micro-needles for insertion of fluid into the dermis layer and into the subcutaneous fat layer. In addition, a poly-silicon micro-pump based on the principle of electrostatic actuation has been designed and simulated which can be integrated with the proposed micro-needles to control the fluid flow.

Upon insertion in the skin, the micro-needle faces two types of forces – buckling and bending. Stress distribution of the micro-needles are investigated for both of these forces by varying the geometric parameters such as channel thickness, needle tip angle etc.
