Influence of pH and Carbonate Buffering on the Performance of a Lactate Microbial Fuel Cell

A.Torrents, N. Godino, F.J. del Campo, F.X. Muñoz, and J. Mas
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Veröffentlicht in 2010

Microbia Fuel Cells (MFC’s) are complex environments where electrochemical, physical and biological aspects must be considered together. In this work we present a 1D model partially describing a Shewanella oneidensis MFC that degrade sodium lactate [lactate -> Acetate + CO2 + 2H+ + 2e-]. The model, simulated using COMSOL, focuses on pH implications of the MFC operation. Release of protons during lactate consumption is critical for fuel cell performance because it is used to reduce O2 to water at the cathode, but at the same time it affects the pH of the anode compartment which in turn can affect bacterial metabolic key processes. The model predicts relevant media acidification during operation of the MFC which can affect to availability of lactate, pH and proton transport.
