Using Perturbation Force Analysis for the Design of a Levitronc: an Application of Magnetic Levitation

Z. De Grève[1,2], C.Versèle[1], and J.Lobry[1]
[1]Faculty of Engineering, Mons, Belgium
[2]Belgian Fund for Research, F.R.S./FNRS, ResearchFellow, Belgium
Veröffentlicht in 2008

The Levitron offers an interesting demonstration of natural magnetic levitation using permanent magnets. It is composed by a small magnetized top and a circular magnetized base with a hole on its center. The top is placed in an area where magnetic field configuration and gyroscopic torques allow the existence of a locus of stable equilibrium. In this paper, we intend to dimension and realize a Levitron in laboratory, starting from second-handcomponents. To that end, these components are first identified (in terms of volume magnetization) by comparing magnetic induction measurements to induction estimated through COMSOL finite element models.
