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Fixing color bar

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Dear all,

I have been searching how to fix color bar at certain range( ex. 0.0 ~ 0.3) of velocity at Export>Player .
If you know, please teach me how to fix.

Thanks in advance.


2 Replies Last Post 18.07.2012, 10:01 GMT-4

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Posted: 1 decade ago 18.07.2012, 07:53 GMT-4

you should change the color range to "manual color range" in ploting interface for velocity but not in "export interface". then when you export the reulst, you will get the right color range.
Hi, you should change the color range to "manual color range" in ploting interface for velocity but not in "export interface". then when you export the reulst, you will get the right color range.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 18.07.2012, 10:01 GMT-4
I solved that problem.

Thank you very much!
Great! I solved that problem. Thank you very much!

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