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Visualization of the filling process of a volume by air

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How I can visualize the filling process?
I'm gonna use the laminar flow (spf) package and want to simulate the filling procedure of a simple geometry for example a tube system with one inlet and one outlet. Now the time dependent problem is solved and I can visualize the velocity field, pressure field and so on. Is there any possibillity to show the time dependent state of the exchanged air? May be there is a model in the library but i didn't found any fitting problem.
Thanks for help, regards

2 Replies Last Post 02.05.2012, 06:49 GMT-4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 27.04.2012, 07:36 GMT-4

isnt that then some particle flowe visualisation you need ?

if you have 2 fluids, then you can always plot i.e. the density and see the two (if they differ in density) versus the time

Or have I missed something ?

Good luck
Hi isnt that then some particle flowe visualisation you need ? if you have 2 fluids, then you can always plot i.e. the density and see the two (if they differ in density) versus the time Or have I missed something ? -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 02.05.2012, 06:49 GMT-4

thanks for answering my posting!

the visiualisation of the particle flowe would be the next step in my work. First I want to understand the exchange of the air / fluid.

But how I can implement the second / incoming fluid in comsol. Then it would be a easy one to seperate them at the post processing.
may I didn't capture the concept... ;-)

Hello thanks for answering my posting! the visiualisation of the particle flowe would be the next step in my work. First I want to understand the exchange of the air / fluid. But how I can implement the second / incoming fluid in comsol. Then it would be a easy one to seperate them at the post processing. may I didn't capture the concept... ;-) Tristan

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