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SSH Tunnelling and Comsol Server slowdown

Jean-Christophe Lavocat

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I am using Comsol 4.3 using a tunnel to access my institution's licence server. It works well for regular operations (opening comsol on my PC, starting a job etc).

However, I am not able to start a connection with comsol server. I am actually forwarding the port 2036 remotely to localhost. I start 'comsol server' on the remote workstation. Then I try to connect on my PC to my local port (forwarded via SSH). When I look at the remote workstation I see a notice saying that I connected to the server (Good). But then, my local computer does not respond anymore.

It seems to me that he tries to send the model to the server, but that it fails somehow. Do you know if I need to forward additional port (not only the one for the licence and the 2036 for comsol server support) ?

0 Replies Last Post 16.10.2012, 06:41 GMT-4
COMSOL Moderator

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