Help Finding Work Around for Composite Material Module

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Hello all.

I was trying to follow along with the "Piezoelectricity in a Layered Shell" tutorial but I could not reproduce what they were making because I do not have the Composite Material Module. I believe this tutorial is exactly what I am imagining my stack to look like - I only wanted to switch out the materials they use for mine.

Does anybody know a way to produce a similar simulation than they did in this tutorial without access to the Composite Materials module? I have access to the MEMs, AC/DC, and Structural Mechanics modules which are all ones the tutorial page could be used in combination with the composite materials module.

Here is the link to the tutorial I am referencing:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

1 Reply Last Post 04.02.2024, 07:25 GMT-5
Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 months ago 04.02.2024, 07:25 GMT-5

I guess you could do it with solids instead of shells, or possible multiple shells, since there are only a few layers.

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
I guess you could do it with solids instead of shells, or possible multiple shells, since there are only a few layers.


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