Random functions that satisfy a certain condition

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I'm trying to get the “the random noise satisfying the fluctuation dissipation law” random function in COMSOL that I read about in the article, and I'm going to use COMSOL's built-in random (or pseudo-random) function to do it. I intend to use comsol's built-in random (or pseudo-random) function to implement this, i.e. the “Uniform random” in the module, but I don't understand the nature of this built-in function.

I want to know if I can construct the objective function with it and an amplitude A affected by the input energy (if I understand “the fluctuation dissipation law” correctly), or if I have to write my own random function. By the way, if I call COMSOL's built-in random function, I'm going to use the “random seed” function and use two arguments so that I get the same random distribution every time while satisfying the 2D spatial distribution for easy observation and adjustment.

I hope I've described my problem well enough.


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