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Cross section simulation -results visualization

Zelenyak Andreea Manuela Certified Consultant

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Hi all,
does any one know how can I plot the results from a Cross section simulation into 3D Plot Group. So what I want is to see the 2D results into 3D geometry frame. It is possible?
Thank you very much

1 Reply Last Post 23.10.2013, 05:34 GMT-4
Bettina Schieche COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 1 decade ago 23.10.2013, 05:34 GMT-4
one idea could be to define a 2D revolution data set and then add a slice plot in the 3D-Plot group. You can also try to use extrusion coupling operators.
Best regards
Bettina Schieche
Hi, one idea could be to define a 2D revolution data set and then add a slice plot in the 3D-Plot group. You can also try to use extrusion coupling operators. Best regards Bettina Schieche

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