Electromagnetic and Electrostatic study in High Voltage Switchyard

R. Devanathan [1], B.Mutum [1], L.Obiroy [2], C Manivannan [3], R Malarvizhi [3],
[1] Hindustan University, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Padur (via), Kelambakkam, Chennai, India
[2] Hindustan University, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Padur (via), Kelambakkam, Chennai, India
[3] L & T Constructions, Power Transmission & Distribution, Chennai, India
Veröffentlicht in 2015

The paper reports on an electromagnetic field study of a 765 kV switchyard. The study is performed using COMSOL Multiphysics® software. The study involves geometric modelling, finite element analysis, and numerical solution of the linearized equations. For the system studied, it was found that the magnetic field was within the regulatory limits. However, the electric field was seen to exceed the regulatory limits in certain locations of the switchyard. Planting grounded wires at certain height above ground at critical locations helped to bring the electric field within limits. The simulation results were verified using measurements on the ground.