Mathematical Model of Blood Flow in Carotid Bifurcation

E. Muraca[1], V. Gramigna[1], and G. Fragomeni[1]
[1]Department of Experimental Medicine and Clinic, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
Veröffentlicht in 2009

The goal of this research is to provide the medical staff with a numerical system assessment of wall shear stress in carotid bifurcation. Through this model, it will be fundamental to investigate the stress state properties of the surface in contact between the plaque and the artery, and study the geometric relationship between the bifurcation angle and fluid structural properties. The formation of plaques can be due to Wall Shear Stress (WSS). The final purpose is to develop a method for minimizing the error between numerical and experimental data. A fluid structural model is used to examine some effects of whirling motion caused by the presence of stenosis.
