Modelling the Response of Microdialysis Probes in Glucose Concentration Measurement

J.M. Gozálvez-Zafrilla[1], A. Santafé-Moros[1], J.L. Díez-Ruano[2], J. Bondia[2]
[1]Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM) - Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
[2]Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial (AI2) - Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Veröffentlicht in 2013

Microdialysis is a technique of continuous glucose monitoring in diabetic patients. In microdialysis, a saline serum is perfused into a microdialysis probe. Glucose pass from the plasmatic fluid through the porous membrane. The glucose concentration in the dialysate obtained is measured by an external analytical device. This preliminary work aimed to obtain a model to relate glucose concentration in blood with the concentration of the dialysate for two types of microdialysis probes. The model considers different concentric layers: flow channel, membrane, traumatized and normal tissue that receives glucose with the capillary network. Parametric studies were performed to study the effects of perfusion flow, membrane resistance, or evolution of the transport resistance of the traumatized layer.