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Energy Pile Simulation – an Application of THM-Modeling

E. Holzbecher[1]
[1]Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany

Energy piles, i.e. heat exchangers located within the foundation piles of buildings, are used for heating of cooling purposes. Although the absolute values of deformations and temperature gradients are low or moderate, the entire setting can be influenced by thermo-hydro-mechanical ... Mehr lesen

COMSOL Multiphysics® Simulation of Energy Conversion and Storage Concepts Based on Oxide Crystals

C. Cherkouk[1], M. Zschornak[1], J. Hanzig[1], M. Nentwich[1], F. Meutzner[1], M. Urena[1], T. Leisegang[2], D. C. Meyer[1]
[1]Institute of Experimental Physics, Technische Universität Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany
[2]Fraunhofer-Technologiezentrum, Freiberg, Germany

A mathematical model based on a finite element method (FEM) is presented as an initial approach for a system converting waste heat energy into chemical energy. This system consists of a pyroelectric LiNbO3 plate placed into a cylinder which undergoes a laminar water flow with an ... Mehr lesen

Role of the Diffusion Current in Nonequilibrium Modeling of Welding Arcs

M. Baeva[1]
[1]INP Greifswald e.V., Greifswald, Germany

2D self-consistent nonequilibrium model of a free-burning arc in argon has been developed. The model is based on the COMSOL Multiphysics® platform and describes in a self-consistent manner the fluid dynamics, the heat transfer, the magneto-electrodynamics, and species conservation. The ... Mehr lesen

Birefringence Induced in Optical Rib Waveguides by Thermal and Mechanical Stresses

G. Grasso[1], V. M. N. Passaro[1], F. De Leonardis[1]
[1]Photonics Research Group, Politechnic Institute of Bari, Bari, Italy

In this paper a multiphysics approach to study the optical properties of integrated waveguides influenced by thermal and mechanical stress is presented. The heating and pressure effects are evaluated by means the Heat Transfer and Structural Mechanics modules respectively. Finally, the ... Mehr lesen

Enhanced Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation Induced by Active Dielectrics

M. Mattheakis[1], C. Athanasopoulos[1], G. P. Tsironis[1]
[1]University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece

We present numerical simulations for the propagation of surface plasmon polaritons in a dielectric-metal-dielectric waveguide using COMSOL Multiphysics® software. We show that the use of an active dielectric with gain that compensates metal absorption losses enhances substantially ... Mehr lesen

Numerical Optimization of Heating for High-Speed Rotating Cup by Means of Multiphysics Modeling and its Experimental Verification

K. Kyrgyzbaev[1], M. Willert-Porada[1], M. Terock[1]
[1]University of Bayreuth, Chair of Materials Processing, Bayreuth, Germany

The physics of rotating cups and disks is an important research subject in many areas of engineering. The rotating cup/disk has been employed in many industrial applications such as spin-coating of phosphor on television screens or photoresist films on silicon wafer, concentrating ... Mehr lesen

Virtual Prototype Evolution by COMSOL Multiphysics® of a Continuous Flow Animal By-Products ABP Ohmic Sterilization Unit

R. Heslop[1]
[1]C-Tech Innovation Ltd., Capenhurst, Cheshire, UK

Ohmic heating (Joule heating) is a volumetric heating technology which can effectively process almost any pumpable fluid with extremely high energy efficiency (>95%). This is particularly useful for very thick fluids, those that burn on to hot surfaces and those with high solids content ... Mehr lesen

Virtual Prototype of a Dielectric Window for High-Power Microwave Tubes

A. Leggieri[1], D. Passi[1], F. di Paolo[1]
[1]Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

This paper describes the Virtual Prototype of a Dielectric Window or High Power Microwave Vacuum Tubes and Linear Accelerators. Design formulas are provided and Computer Aided Design techniques based on COMSOL Multiphysics® software are proposed. The virtual prototype considers the ... Mehr lesen

3D Acoustic Streaming Field in High-Intensity Discharge Lamps

B. Baumann[1], J. Schwieger[1], M. Wolff[1], F. Manders[2], J. Suijker[2]
[1]Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
[2]Philips Lighting, Turnhout, Belgium

High-intensity discharge lamps will in the foreseeable future be important light sources despite a growing market share of LEDs. Cost and energy efficient high frequency (300 kHz) operation is hampered by the excitation of acoustic resonances inside the arc tube, which results in low ... Mehr lesen

Evolution of the Geochemical Background of an HLW Cell in the Callovo-Oxfordian Formation

O. Silva[1], M. Pekala[1], D. Garcia[1], J. Molinero[1], A. Nardi[1], M. Grive[1], B. Cochepin[2]
[1]Amphos 21 Consulting, Barcelona, Spain
[2]Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Dechéts Radioactifs, Châtenay-Malabry Cedex, France

The French National Waste Management Agency (Andra) envisages the safe disposal of High-Level Waste Intermediate-Level Long-Lived Waste through deep geological storage (multibarrier). Waste storage is based on the Callovo-Oxfordian formation (CallOx). It has been updated a reactive ... Mehr lesen