Spinodal Decomposition Benchmark

Application ID: 100831

Many important processes in the mesoscale can be described by phase-field models. One of the oldest phase-field problems is the spinodal decomposition. Several standardized benchmark problems have been developed by the phase-field community. In this entry, these problems are solved using the Phase Field interface. The system’s free energy versus time is studied.

Each mph-file solves the problem corrsponding to its name:

  • spinodal decomposition benchmark 1a.mph
  • spinodal decomposition benchmark 1b.mph
  • spinodal decomposition benchmark 1c.mph

A. Jokisaari, P. Voorhees, J. Guyer, J. Warren, and O. Heinonen. Benchmark problems for numerical implementation of phase field models. Computational Materials Science 126, 139-151 (2017).

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