Terzaghi Compaction
Application ID: 491
Fluids that move through pore spaces in an aquifer or reservoir can shield the porous medium from stress because they bear part of the load from, for instance, overlying rocks, sediments, fluids, and buildings. Withdrawing fluids from the pore space increases the stress the solids bear, sometimes to the degree that the reservoir measurably compacts. The reduction in the pore space loops back and alters the fluid pressures. The feedback brings about more fluid movement, and the cycle continues. Terzaghi Compaction describes a conventional flow model and uses the results to calculate vertical compaction following Terzaghi theory.
This model solves a conventional saturated fluid flow problem for change in hydraulic head and utilizes the results to assess the vertical compaction of sediments. The COMSOL Multiphysics solution is compared to published results. This example is modified in the Biot Poroelasticity model to analyze two-way coupled fluid flow and solid deformation.

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