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COMSOL News 2021

Bosch elektrifiziert die Zukunft der Automobilbranche

Martin Kessler, Bosch, Germany

Für die Entwicklung von dreiphasigen Wechselrichtern und Zwischenkreiskondensatoren, zwei integralen Komponenten des Antriebs von Elektrofahrzeugen, hat Bosch thermische und elektromagnetische Simulationen eingesetzt. Im Vergleich zu früheren Designs haben die optimierten Wechselrichter ... Mehr lesen

Shaping the Design of Noninvasive Cosmetic Procedures with Multiphysics Simulation

Joel Jimenez Lozano, Allergan Aesthetics, California, USA

Allergan Aesthetics is using heat transfer and electromagnetics simulation to enhance CoolSculpting® and CoolTone®, separate noninvasive medical aesthetic procedures designed to eliminate targeted subcutaneous fat and strengthen muscles, respectively. Mehr lesen

Investigating Vibroacoustic Properties in Moth Wings for Acoustic Camouflage

Zhiyuan Shen, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Researchers at the University of Bristol modeled the acoustic camouflaging properties of moth wing scales to gain a better understand of the vibroacoustic phenomena at play. Their research could help develop acoustic camouflage techniques for use in other areas. Mehr lesen

Designing a Lightweight Hyperloop Pod with Composite Materials

Mario Paolone, EPFLoop, Switzerland

The EPFLoop team competed at the 2019 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition with a Hyperloop pod that was half the weight and twice the speed of their 2018 design with the help of composite materials modeling. Mehr lesen

Developing a Novel Battery Model to Answer Classical Chemistry Questions

Kudakwashe Chayambuka, Grietus Mulder, Xochitl Dominguez, and Jan Fransaer; Flemish Institute for Technical Research and Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Researchers at the Flemish Institute for Technical Research (VITO/EnergyVille) and KU Leuven developed a model of a semisolid flow battery (SSFB) to predict how flow rate affects particle discharge and how cell voltage changes during the discharge process. Mehr lesen

Virtually Optimizing Metasurface Topology with a Genetic Algorithm

Bryan Adomanis, Air Force Institute of Technology, Ohio, USA

To optimize a metasurface topology for an optical antenna design, an engineer from the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is using an optimization algorithm inspired by natural selection, as well as multiphysics simulation. Mehr lesen

Inspiring Young Engineers to Design for the Future at EPFL

Mario Paolone, EPFLoop, Switzerland

EPFLoop, from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), designed their pod for the 2018 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition with the help of multiphysics simulation. They placed in the top three teams worldwide and competed in the final competition in California. Mehr lesen

Optimierung von Messwandlern und Sensoren mit Multiphysik-Simulation

Nirmal Paudel, ABB, North Carolina, USA

Stromnetze müssen ordnungsgemäß gewartet werden, um sie vor Systemausfällen zu schützen. Die Ingenieure von ABB verwenden Multiphysik-Simulationen, um Messwandler und Sensoren zu entwickeln, die Überspannungen standhalten und unterirdisch eingesetzt werden können. Mehr lesen

ITW Uses Multiphysics Simulation to Cook Up Smart Microwave Oven Designs

Christopher Hopper, ITW, Illinois, USA

To design a "smart oven" with solid-state, convection heating, engineers at Illinois Tool Works (ITW) Food Equipment Group turned to multiphysics simulation and specialized applications. The finished product is able to cook food faster and more efficiently than conventional appliances. Mehr lesen

Helicon Antenna Supports Nuclear Fusion

Humberto Torreblanca, General Atomics, USA

Built by engineers at General Atomics, the DIII-D tokamak needs to achieve temperatures that are 10 times hotter than the core of the Sun to achieve nuclear fusion. To accomplish this, a novel heating system using a helicon antenna that can inject 1 megawatt of RF power is being designed ... Mehr lesen

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