In Übereinstimmung mit unserer Qualitätspolitik unterhält COMSOL eine Bibliothek aus hunderten dokumentierter Modellbeispiele, die regelmäßig mit der neuesten Version der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software getestet werden, einschließlich Benchmark-Probleme von ASME und NAFEMS sowie TEAM-Probleme.
Unsere Verification and Validation (V&V) Testsuite bietet konsistent genaue Lösungen, die mit Analyseergebnissen und etablierten Benchmark-Daten verglichen werden. Die folgenden dokumentierten Modelle sind Teil der in der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software integrierten Anwendungsbibliotheken. Sie beinhalten Referenzwerte und Quellen für eine Vielzahl von Benchmarks sowie eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um die erwarteten Ergebnisse auf dem eigenen Computer zu reproduzieren. Mit diesen Modellen können Sie nicht nur Ihre Aufwendungen für die Software-Qualitätssicherung (SQA) und die numerische Code-Verifikation (NCV) dokumentieren, sondern sie auch im Rahmen von internen Trainingsprogrammen einsetzen.
When analyzing rotors, it is common that bearings are modeled through their effective dynamic coefficients about a static equilibrium position. This model illustrates how to compute such coefficients for a cylindrical journal bearing. The bearing length is kept much smaller than its ... Mehr lesen
Capacitively coupled RF discharges can operate in two distinct regimes depending on the discharge power. In the low power regime, known as the alpha regime, the electric field oscillation is responsible to heat and create electrons. In the high power regime, known as gamma regime, the ... Mehr lesen
A square airbag made of a hyperelastic, compressible neo-Hookean material is inflated using pressurized air. Compressive stresses trigger wrinkling in some regions of the thin airbag. In this example, the wrinkling behavior is modeled using tension field theory, which gives a correct ... Mehr lesen
Biotechnology is a rapidly growing area in the pharmaceutical sciences. One example of a clinical application is gene therapy, where it is possible to produce proteins in vivo, using the body’s own mechanisms for protein production. Major issues in gene delivery involve the transport of ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates the wrinkling of a thin rectangular sheet stretched uniaxially. First, a static analysis is performed to determine the region of negative principal stresses without wrinkling. Next, a prestressed buckling analysis is carried out to find out the linearized ... Mehr lesen
Real reactors can be modeled as combinations of ideal reactors. In this example the so-called "Dead zone model" is utilized. Two ideal CSTRs with interchange are set up to model the real reactor. One CSTR represents the highly agitated region and the other the less agitated region. For ... Mehr lesen
This example describes how to simulate the flow of a thin film of fluid in the gap between two rectangular plates, one of them with a porous facing, when the fluid is squeezed as a consequence of the relative motion between the plates. The model accounts for the ingress and egress of ... Mehr lesen
This setup demonstrates how the characteristics of turbulent flow in a channel are modified by the presence of an adjacent porous region. Asymmetric velocity profiles, higher turbulence levels, and higher friction coefficients both at the solid wall and the fluid-porous interface are ... Mehr lesen
In this example, monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests are simulated using the Hardening Soil Small Strain material model. The model captures the effects of small strain stiffness and hysteresis under cyclic loading. The stress-strain relationship matches the hyperbolic curve reported in ... Mehr lesen
The flow around the Eppler 387 airfoil is computed with the SST turbulence model both with and without the transition model. The reuslts are compared with experimental values. Mehr lesen